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Why People Prefer to Wheat Flour

There are many flour in the world, however, why more wheat flour is produced than any other flour and people prefer wheat flour more than the others.

Q: What is wheat flour?
Wheat flour is a powder made from the milling of wheat. It is a suitable vehicle for delivering micronutrients to mankind. And we also get vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), niacin, B6 (pyridoxine), E, as well as iron, and zinc.


wheat and wheat flour

All-Purpose Flour
It is made from hard wheats or a combination of soft and hard wheat, wheat kernel separated from the bran and germ during the milling process.
Bread Flour
It is similar to all-purpose flour, it has a greater gluten strength.
Whole Wheat Flour
This flour get from the entire wheat kernel and thus contains the bran, germ and endosperm.
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