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The Improvement of Flour Processing

In recent years, as science and technology advanced, the traditional flour processing techniques been used for decades in wheat flour industry will be overall improved. The related flour and food industry will reach a new level. Experts believed that wheat processing and other food processing technologies achieved a major breakthrough, it marks the food processing technology and equipment has reached or kept the international leading level.

As we have learned, compare with traditional flour processing, new technology not only improved wheat utilization and reduced power consumption, but also maximum guarantee the quality and safety of wheat flour. The flour yield rate increased by 2%, and energy consumption reduced by 15%. The breakthrough of wheat foundation processing technology in Henan Kingman M&E Complete Plant Co.,Ltd (KMEC) not only bring the improvement in food quality, but also greatly drive forward energy saving, emission reduction, low consumption and efficient resource utilization levels in food industry. KMEC played an important role in improving the international competitiveness of China's food processing.

KMEC has entered the international market, based on the advanced technology, good quality and reasonable price; it has won great reputation in the international food processing market.

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